Ten Tips for your November 2008 NLE Nursing Board

1) Be sure to check the location of your assigned testing area. Be aware of the travel time, traffic situation and other factors that may delay you on the day of the exam.

2) Check all necessary materials that you will need including your uniform, pencils and ball pens, NOA, receipt, envelopes etc.

3) Sleep early on the night before the exam and when you wake up have a healthy breakfast.

4) Synchronize your watch with your facilitator, keep track of time and manage it wisely.

5) Listen to the facilitator and read the instructions. If you have any questions ask your facilitator and not your co-examinees. Before you start the exam, clarify rules and protocols.

6) Be sure to input your name and other exam details properly, your facilitator will guide you on this.

7) Again, manage your time wisely, don't spend too much time on a question you can't answer. Make an EDUCATED GUESS, this means that you must use your test taking strategies. Cancel unrelated options, use your ABC (airway breathing circulation), use your Maslow's hierarchy of needs, etc. etc. If you finish your test early, go over your answers. Don't leave any questions unanswered.

8) Check if you are shading the right number, you might be shading a number different from the question you are reading. Always be careful.

9) Always remember your goals in life, you are a step away from your goals and dreams. Be confident, now is the chance to show everything that you have learned in school. Whether you make it or not, what's important is to give your best.

10) Pray to God that He may lend you His wisdom and knowledge. Ask Him to guide you on this important day of your life!

Good Luck and may God Bless you! Kaya niyo yan mga Pinoy Nurses na kayo!

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